Creating a Chest Shop

Playershops need to be created inside Shop plots. To set a town plot as a Shop plot, use /plot set shop .

The playershop will now sell the amount of items you were holding, for the price you set. You can then place in or empty the shop with items willingly. Playershops are linked to your name and balance, and are indestructible by default until removed by the playershop owner.

Mayors and Comayors can remove all playershops inside a claim of their town by using the /plot clear command while standing on the plot.

Shop Control Panel

The playershop owner can right click on the playershop sign in order to open the Shop Control Panel. It is used to change and configure the playershop.

Shop mode- Shows if the playershop is selling items or buying items:

Price- Price per bulk amount of items.*

Per bulk amount-  The number of items that have the set price.*

[Remove Shop]- Deletes the shop sign and playershop.

Trading with a Chest Shop

Any player who wishes to trade with the playershop owner can left click on the playershop's sign, and then type a number of items to trade in chat.

Right clicking on the playershop sign shows a panel in chat instead. The panel will include:

The [Item Preview] function lets you view the item you are trading. Hover your mouse over it or click on it to use.

Locating specific shops and items

There are multiple methods to searching and finding specific shops. 

Firstly, open our dynamic map with /map and you'll notice gold chest icons. You can click on these icons to view the shop's item, owner, type, stock, price, and coordinates. These icons represent and mirror the real on-map location of the shop; following the icon on map will bring you to the location of the shop.

Additionally, you can use the following command arguments to filter through locations of shops by specific items.

/finditem {Arg1} {Arg2}

To list the shops of a specific player, you can type /qs list <playerId>