Getting started with your god/religion

Once your playing place a sign and type 'god' or 'gods' on the first line and your gods name on the second line then enter. This should create your first god .

Features and Benefits

Plugin Interface - Type /god

God Creation - Players can create their own gods with signs

God Alters - By making alters you can pray to your god

God Types - Change your gods color

Sacrifices - Sacrifice items to your god to gain their favor

God Leaders - God leaders can rank other followers to be a priest

Priests - Priests can invite players to a religion and set the god spawn

Home - Each god has a home that can you can teleport to

Shop - You can spend your gained faith at your gods shop

Blessings - Gods will bless you with exp randomly


/gods - Opens the god interface

/ghelp - Helps you navigate the commands

/glist - Lists all the current gods

/gleave - Abandon the god you worship

/ghome - Teleports you to your gods temple

/gaccept - Accepts pending requests

/gdeny - Denies pending requests

/grank <player> - Ranks a member in your religion if your the leader

/gdemote <player> - Demote a member in your religion if your the leader

/gsethome - Sets the home teleport position

/ginvite <player> - Invites a player to your religion

/ginfo - Gives you information about your god and you

/gbuy - Opens the buying interface

/gsacrifice - Opens the sacrifice interface

/gtype - Allows leaders to change their god type